Don’t read this… it’s too embarrassing
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Don’t read this… it’s too embarrassing

I’ve had more than one client confess to being nervous about working with me (or even sending me an email!) because they were worried about their writing and what I would think.


“This draft is really embarrassing but I’m just sending it anyway…” they say.


Working with a copywriter can be a bit daunting at first. There are a few reasons why this is understandable, but crazy unnecessary.


  1. Writing is my job. I hope I’m better at it than most people, otherwise I should be doing something else.
  2. Everyone is good at something. I always learn new things from the people I work with. That’s what I love about copywriting.
  3. Critique is important; but judgement isn’t my bag. I’m just here to work with you to help you get your message across.


So if you’re thinking that a professional writer might be able to help you or your business get a job done – just get in touch.


I promise to save the proofreading for your writing job, not your emails.