Project Dignity 120
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Project Dignity 120

Today in Queensland, 1,234 people with a disability under the age of 65 are living in residential aged care. Of those people, 119 are under the age of 50.
The high demand for specialist, high care supported housing has created a disability housing crisis.
People are being forced into residential aged care – or are being cared for at home in an environment not suited to high care needs.


For them, and the four new people diagnosed with MS every working day, this is not living.


MS Queensland has a bold plan to take action on this urgent issue.
We have committed to raise awareness and funds to build 120 new high need independent living apartments across Queensland.
This will be a game-changer for people living with MS and other physical disabilities.


This is Project Dignity 120.

Are you in?


August 18, 2016


Fundraising case for support